Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 679

Question: Which of the following do not show disproportionation reaction- $ ClO_4^{-},,F_2,,Cl_2,,ClO_2^{-},,ClO_2^{-},,P_4,,S_8 $ and $ Cl{{O}^{-}} $


A) $ ClO_2^{-},,ClO_4^{-}, $ and $ Cl{{O}^{-}} $

B) $ F_2 $ only

C) $ F_2 $ and $ ClO_4^{-} $

D) $ ClO_4^{-} $ only

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ F_2 $ being most electronegative element cannot exhibit any positive oxidation state. In $ ClO_4^{-} $ chlorine is present in its highest oxidation state i.e +7. Therefore it does not show disproportionation reaction.

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