Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 656

Question: One mole of $ N_2H_4 $ loses 10 moles of electrons to form a new compound, y. Assuming that all nitrogen appear in the new compound, what is the oxidation state of nitrogen in y (There is no change in the oxidation state of hydrogen )


A) $ -1 $

B) $ -3 $

C) +3

D) +5

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ \overset{-4}{\mathop{N_2}},\overset{+4}{\mathop{H_4}},\xrightarrow[N]{loss,of,10{{e}^{-}}}\overset{+6}{\mathop{N_2}},Y; $ O.N. of N changes from -2 to +3

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