Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 650

Question: Which of the following represents a redox reaction-


A) $ NaOH+HCl\xrightarrow{{}}NaCl+H_2O $

B) $ BaCl_2+H_2SO_4\xrightarrow{{}}BaSO_4+2HCl $

C) $ CuSO_4+2H_2O\xrightarrow{{}}Cu{{(OH)}_2}+H_2SO_4 $

D) $ Zn+2HCl\xrightarrow{{}}ZnCl_2+H_2 $

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Correct Answer: D


[d] [a] and [b] are neutralisation reactions. The oxidation state of Cu is +2 in both reactant and product, and $ SO{{_4^{2-}}^{~}} $ ion does not change. In option [d] is a redox reaction. $ Zn\to Z{{n}^{2+}}+2{{e}^{-}}~ $ (Oxidation) $ 2{{H}^{+}}+2{{e}^{-}}\to H_2 $ (Reduction)

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