Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 641

Question: $ I_2(s)|{I^{-}}(0.1M) $ half-cell is connected to a $ {H^{+}}( aq )| H_2( 1bar ) |Pt $ half cell and e.m.f. is found to be $ 0.7714V.if,{E^{{}^\circ }}_{I_2|{I^{-}}}=0.535V $ , find the pH of $ {H^{+}}|H_2 $ half-cell.


A) 1

B) 3

C) 5

D) 7

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Correct Answer: B


[b] The cell reaction is $ H_2(g)+I_2(s)\rightarrow 2{H^{+}}(aq)+2{I^{-}}(aq) $ $ 0.7714=0.535-\frac{0.0591}{2}\log \frac{{{[{H^{+}}]}^{2}}{{[{I^{-}}]}^{2}}}{{P_{H_2}}} $ pH=3

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