Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 629

Question: In the electrolysis of $ CuCl_2 $ solution, the mass of the cathode increased by 3.2 g. What occured at the copper anode-


A) 0.12 litre of $ Cl_2 $ was liberated

B) 0.56 litre of $ O_2 $ was liberated

C) 0.1 mol $ C{u^{2+}} $ passed into the solution.

D) 0.05 mol of $ C{u^{2+}} $ passed into the solution.

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Correct Answer: D


[d] The amount, of copper deposited at cathode by reduction of $ C{u^{2+}} $ ions is $ \frac{3.2}{63}=0.05 $ moles. The same amount 0.05 mole of $ C{u^{2+}} $ must pass into solution from anode by oxidation

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