Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 619

Question: The emf of a particular voltaic cell with the cell reaction $ Hg_2^{2+}+H_2\rightarrow 2Hg+2{H^{+}} $ is 0.65 V. The maximum electrical work of this cell when 0.5 g of $ H_2 $ is consumed.


A) $ -3.12\times 10^{4}J $

B) $ -1.25\times 10^{5}J $

C) $ 25.0\times 10^{6}J $

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ W_{max}=-n.FE; $ $ W_{max}=-2\times 96500\times 0.65=-1.25\times 10^{5}J $ $ 0.5g,H_2=0.25mole $ Hence $ W_{max} $ $ =-1.25\times 10^{5}\times 0.25=-3.12\times 10^{4}J $

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