Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 617

Question: In the silver plating of copper, $ K[Ag{{(CN)}_2}] $ is used instead of $ AgNO_3 $ . The reason is


A) a thin layer of Ag is formed on Cu

B) more voltage is required

C) $ A{g^{+}} $ ions are completely removed from solution

D) less availability of $ A{g^{+}} $ ions, as Cu cannot displace Ag from $ {{[Ag{{( CN )}_2}]}^{-}} $ ion

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Correct Answer: D


[d] In the silver plating of copper, $ K[Ag{{( CN )}_2}] $ is used instead of $ AgNO_3 $ .

Copper being more electropositive readily precipitate silver from their salt solution $ Cu+2AgNO_3\xrightarrow{{}}Cu{{( NO_3 )}_2}+Ag $ whereas in $ K[Ag{{(CN)}_2}] $ solution a complex anion $ {{[Ag{{(CN)}_2}]}^{-}} $ is formed and hence $ A{g^{+}} $ are less available in the solution and therefore copper cannot displace Ag from its complex ion.

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