Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 61

Question: In infinite dilutions, the equivalent conductances of $ B{a^{2+}} $ and $ C{l^{-}} $ are 127 and 76 $ oh{m^{-1}}c{m^{-1}} $ $ eqv{t^{-1}} $ . The equivalent conductivity of $ BaCl_2 $ at indefinite dilution is [CBSE 2000]


A) 101.5

B) 139.5

C) 203.5

D) 279.5

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Correct Answer: B


$ {{\lambda }^{,\infty }},BaCl_2=\frac{1}{2}{{\lambda }^{\infty }}B{a^{2+}}+\lambda {{,}^{\infty }}C{l^{-}} $ $ =\frac{127}{2}+76=139.5oh{m^{-1}}c{m^{-1}},e{q^{-1}} $ .

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