Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 607

Question: The e.m.f. of a Daniell cell at 298 K is $ E_1. $

When the concentration of $ ZnSO_4 $ is 1.0 M and that of $ CuSO_4 $ is 0.01 M, the e.m.f. changed to $ E_2 $ . What is the relationship between $ E_1 $ and $ E_2 $ -


A) $ E_2=0\ne E_1 $

B) $ E_1>E_2 $

C) $ E_1<E_2 $

D) $ E_1=E_2 $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] Cell reaction is, $ Zn+C{u^{2+}}\to Z{n^{2+}}+Cu $ $ E_{cell}=E_{_{Cell}}^{{}^\circ }-\frac{RT}{nF}\ell n\frac{[Z{n^{2+}}]}{[C{u^{2+}}]} $ Greater the factor $ [ \frac{(Z{n^{2+}})}{(C{u^{2+}})} ] $ , less is the EMF Hence $ E_1>E_2 $

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