Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 603

Question: For the reduction of silver ions with copper metal, the standard cell potential was found to be $ +0.46V $ at $ 25{}^\circ C. $ The value of standard Gibbs energy, $ \Delta G{}^\circ $ will be $ ( F=96500Cmo{l^{-1}} ) $


A) $ -89.0,kJ $

B) $ -89.0,J $

C) $ -44.5,kJ $

D) $ -98.0,kJ $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ Cu+2A{g^{+}}(aq)\xrightarrow{{}}C{u^{2+}}(aq)+2Ag(s) $ Here $ n=2,E_{cell}^{{}^\circ }=+0.46V $ $ \Delta G{}^\circ =-nE{}^\circ F $ $ =\frac{-2\times 0.46\times 96500}{1000}kJ\simeq -89kJ $

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