Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 598

Question: The EMF of the cell $ Tl/T{l^{+}}(0.001M)||C{u^{2+}}(0.01M)/Cu,is,0.83. $ The cell EMF can be increased by


A) Increasing the concentration of $ T{l^{+}} $ ions.

B) Increasing the concentration of $ C{u^{2+}} $ ions.

C) Increasing the concentration of $ T{l^{+}} $ and $ C{u^{2+}} $ ions.

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: B


[b] The oxidation potential $ \propto \frac{1}{Concentrationofions} $ and reduction potential $ \propto $ concentration of ions. The cell voltage can be increased by decreasing the concentration of ions around anode or by increasing the concentration of ions around cathode

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