Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 591

Question: During the charging of lead storage battery, the reaction at anode is represented by:


A) $ P{b^{2+}}+SO_4^{2-}\xrightarrow{{}}PbSO_4 $

B) $ PbSO_4+2H_2O\xrightarrow{{}}PbO_2+SO_4^{2-} $ $ +4{H^{+}}+2{e^{-}} $

C) $ Pb\xrightarrow{{}}P{b^{2+}}+2{e^{-}} $

D) $ P{b^{2+}}+2{e^{-}}\xrightarrow{{}}Pb $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] During charging, the lead storage battery behaves like an electrolytic cell. So, at anode the reaction is $ PbSO_4+2H_2O\xrightarrow{{}}PbO_2+4{H^{+}}+SO_4^{2-}~+2{e^{-}} $

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