Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 588

Question: On passing a current of 1.0 ampere for 16 min and 5 sec through one litre solution of $ CuCl_2 $ , all copper of the solution was deposited at cathode. The strength of $ CuCl_2 $ solution was (Molar mass of Cu= 63.5; Faraday constant $ =96500Cmo{l^{-1}} $ )


A) 0.01 N

B) 0.01 M

C) 0.02 M

D) 0.2 N

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Correct Answer: A


[a] By Faraday’s Ist law of electrolysis, $ \frac{W}{E}=\frac{Q}{96500} $ (where Q= it = charge of ion)

We know that no. of gram equivalent $ =\frac{W}{E}=\frac{it}{96500}=\frac{1\times 965}{96500}=\frac{1}{100} $ (where i = 1 A, $ t=16\times 60+5=965sec. $ )

Since, we know that Normality $ =\frac{No.of,gram,equivalent}{Volume( inlitre )}=\frac{\frac{1}{100}}{1}=0.01N $

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