Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 584

Question: Conductance of $ 0.1MKCl $ (conductivity = $ XOh{m^{-1}}c{m^{-1}} $ filled in a conductivity cell is $ YOh{m^{-1}} $ . If the conductance of $ 0.1MNaOH $ filled in the same cell is $ ZOh{m^{-1}}, $ the molar conductance of $ NaOH $ will be


A) $ 10^{3}\frac{XZ}{Y} $

B) $ 10^{4}\frac{XZ}{Y} $

C) $ 10\frac{XZ}{Y} $

D) $ 0.1\frac{XZ}{Y} $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] Conductivity (X) = conductance [c] $ \times $ cell constant
$ \therefore Cellconstant=\frac{X}{Y} $ Conductivity of $ NaOH=\frac{X}{Y}.Z $ Molar conductance of $ NaOH $ $ =\frac{X}{Y}.Z\times \frac{1000}{0.1}=\frac{XZ}{Y}10^{4} $

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