Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 566

Question: Which of the following will form a cell with the highest voltage-


A) $ 1,MA{g^{+}},1,MC{o^{2+}} $

B) $ 2M,A{g^{+}},2,MC{o^{2+}} $

C) $ 0.1,M,A{g^{+}},2,MC{o^{2+}} $

D) $ 2,M,A{g^{+}},0.1,MC{o^{2+}} $

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Correct Answer: D


Oxidation potential of Co is more than Ag, hence cell reaction will be $ Co+2A{g^{+}}\xrightarrow{{}}C{o^{2+}}+2Ag $ $ E_{cell}=E_{cell}^{{}^\circ }-\frac{RT,ln[C{o^{2+}}]}{nF{{[A{g^{+}}]}^{2}}} $ , the lesser the value of the factor $ \frac{[C{o^{2+}}]}{{{[A{g^{+}}]}^{2}}} $ greater will be value of $ E_{cell}. $

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