Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 561

Question: Standard cell voltage for the cell $ Pb|P{b^{2+}}||S{n^{2+}} $ is - 0.01 V. If the cell is to exhibit $ E_{cell}=0 $ , the value of $ [S{n^{2+}}]/[P{b^{2+}}] $ should be antilog of-


A) +0.3

B) 0.5

C) 1.5

D) $ -0.5 $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] Apply Nenst equation to the reaction $ Pb+S{n^{2+}}\to P{b^{2+}}+Sn $ $ E_{cell}=E{}^\circ +\frac{0.059}{2}\log \frac{[S{n^{2+}}]}{[P{b^{2+}}]} $ or $ \log \frac{[S{n^{2+}}]}{[P{b^{2+}}]}=\frac{0.01\times 2}{0.059}=0.3(\therefore E_{cell}=0) $ or $ \frac{[S{n^{2+}}]}{[P{b^{2+}}]}=anti\log ,0.3 $

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