Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 533

Question: In the reaction $ HAsO_2+S{{n}^{2+}}\to As+S{{n}^{4+}}+H_2O $ oxidising agent is [BVP 2004]


A) $ S{{n}^{2+}} $

B) $ S{{n}^{4+}} $

C) $ As $

D) $ HAsO_2 $

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Correct Answer: D


Oxidizing agent itself, undergoes reduction during a redox reaction $ \overset{+3}{\mathop{HAsO_2}},+\overset{+2}{\mathop{Sn}},\xrightarrow{{}},\overset{0}{\mathop{As}},+\overset{2+}{\mathop{Sn}},+H_2O $ Hence, here $ HAsO_2 $ is acting as oxidizing agent.

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