Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 530

Question: Which is the best description of the behaviour of bromine in the reaction given below $ H_2O+Br_2\to HOBr+HBr $ [CBSE PMT 2004]


A) Oxidised only

B) Reduced only

C) Proton acceptor only

D) Both oxidised and reduced

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Correct Answer: D


$ H_2O+\underset{0}{\mathop{Br_2}},\xrightarrow{{}},\underset{+1}{\mathop{HOBr}},+\underset{-1}{\mathop{HBr}}, $

In the above reaction the oxidation number of $ Br_2 $ increases from zero (in $ Br_2 $ ) to +1 (in $ HOBr $ ) and decrease from zero ( $ Br_2 $ ) to - 1 (in $ HBr $ ). Thus $ Br_2 $ is oxidised as well as reduced & hence it is a redox reaction.

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