Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 512

Question: Of the four oxyacids of chlorine the strongest oxidising agent in dilute aqueous solution is [MP PET 2000]


A) $ HClO_4 $

B) $ HClO_3 $

C) $ HClO_2 $

D) $ HOCl $

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Correct Answer: D


$ HClO $ is the strongest oxidising agent. The correct order of oxidising power is $ H\overset{+1}{\mathop{C}},lO>H\overset{+3}{\mathop{C}},lO_2>H\overset{+5}{\mathop{C}},lO_3>H\overset{+7}{\mathop{C}},lO_4 $ .

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