Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 506

Question: In the reaction, $ 4Fe+3O_2\to 4F{{e}^{3+}}+6{{O}^{2-}} $ which of the following statement is incorrect [UPSEAT 2001, 02]


A) A Redox reaction

B) Metallic iron is a reducing agent

C) $ F{{e}^{3+}} $ is an oxidising agent

D) Metallic iron is reduced to $ F{{e}^{3+}} $

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Correct Answer: D


$ \overset{,0}{\mathop{4Fe}},+3O_2\to \overset{3+}{\mathop{4Fe}},+6{{O}^{2-}} $ , in this reaction metallic iron is oxidised to $ F{{e}^{3+}} $ .

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