Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 505

Question: When iron or zinc is added to $ CuSO_4 $ solution, copper is precipitated. It is due to [CPMT 1974, 79]


A) Oxidation of $ C{{u}^{+2}} $

B) Reduction of $ C{{u}^{+2}} $

C) Hydrolysis of $ CuSO_4 $

D) Ionization of $ CuSO_4 $

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Correct Answer: B


$ \overset{,0}{\mathop{Zn}},+\overset{+2,}{\mathop{CuSO_4}},\to ZnSO_4+\overset{,0}{\mathop{Cu}}, $ In this reaction $ C{{u}^{2+}} $ change in $ Cu^{o} $ , hence it is called as reduction reaction.

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