Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 485

Question: When sodium metal is dissolved in liquid ammonia, blue colour solution is formed. The blue colour is due to [NCERT 1981]


A) Solvated $ N{{a}^{+}} $ ions

B) Solvated electrons

C) Solvated $ NH_2^{-} $ ions

D) Solvated protons

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Correct Answer: B


When sodium metal is dissolved in liquid ammonia to form coloured solution. Dilute solutions are bright blue in colour due to the presence of solvated electrons.

$ Na+(x+y)NH_3\to {{[Na{{(NH_3)} _{x}}]}^{+}}+\underset{\text{Blue Colour}}{\mathop{{{[e{{(NH_3)} _{y}}]}^{-}}}}, $

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