Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 48

Question: In a hydrogen - oxygen fuel cell, combustion of hydrogen occurs to [AIEEE 2004]


A) Produce high purity water

B) Create potential difference between the two electrodes

C) Generate heat

D) Remove adsorbed oxygen from electrode surfaces

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Correct Answer: B


In hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell following reactions take place to create potential difference between two electrodes.

$ 2H_2{(g)}+4O{H^{-}} _{(aq)}\to 4H_2{O _{(l)}}+4{e^{-}} $

$ O_2{(g)}+2H_2{O _{(l)}}+4{e^{-}}\to 4O{H^{-}} _{(aq)} $

Overall reaction = $ 2H_2{(g)}+{O _{2(g)}}\to 2H_2{O _{(l)}} $

the net reaction is the same as burning (Combustion) of hydrogen to form water.

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