Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 432

Question: The oxidation state of nitrogen is highest in [MP PMT 2001; BHU 2002]


A) $ N_3H $

B) $ NH_2OH $

C) $ N_2H_4 $

D) $ NH_3 $

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Correct Answer: A


$ 3\times x+1,(1)=0 $ $ 3x+1=0 $

$ 3x=-1,,\Rightarrow x=-\frac{1}{3}inN_3H $

$ x+2,(+1)+1,(-2)+1(1)=0 $

$ x=-1inNH_2OH $

$ x\times 2+4,(1)=0 $ $ x=-\frac{4}{2}=-2,inN_2H_4 $
$ x+3,(1)=0 $ $ x=-3inNH_3 $
Hence, highest in $ N_3H $ .

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