Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 362

Question: 5 liters of $ KMnO_4 $ solution contains 0.01 equiv of $ KMnO_4 $ . 50 ml of the given solution contains how many moles of $ KMnO_4 $ - $ KMnO_4\to MnO_2 $


A) $ \frac{{{10}^{-6}}}{4} $

B) $ \frac{{{10}^{-4}}}{3} $

C) $ 3\times {{10}^{-5}} $

D) $ {{10}^{-5}} $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] $ \underset{+7}{\mathop{KMnO_4}},+3{{e}^{-}}\to \underset{+4}{\mathop{MnO_2}}, $ 5000 ml contains 0.01 eq. of $ KmnO_4 $ $ 50ml,\frac{0.01}{5000}\times 50,eq.,of,KMnO_4 $ Moles of $ KmnO_4 $ = $ \frac{Equivalents,of,KMnO_4}{V.F.} $ $ =\frac{0.01}{5000}\times \frac{50}{3}=\frac{{{10}^{-4}}}{3} $

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