Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 348

Question: In the following reaction, $ 3Br_2+6C{{O}^{2-}}_3+3H_2O=5B{{r}^{-}}+BrO_3^{-}+6HCO_3 $


A) Bromine is oxidised and carbonate is reduced

B) Bromine is reduced and water is oxidized

C) Bromine is neither reduced nor oxidized

D) Bromine is both reduced and oxidised

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ 3\overset{0}{\mathop{B}},r_2+6CO_3^{2-}+3H_2O$ $\to 5\overset{-1}{\mathop{B}} r^{-}+\overset{+5}{\mathop{B}}rO^{-} _3+6HCO _{3.} $ in this reaction bromine is oxidized as well as reduced.

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