Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 347

Question: Which one of the following reactions does not involve either oxidation or reduction-


A) $ V{{O}^{+}}_2\to V_2O_3 $

B) $ Na\to N{{a}^{+}} $

C) $ Cr{{O}^{2-}}_4 $ $ \to Cr_2O_7^{2-} $

D) $ Z{{n}^{2+}}\to Zn $

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Correct Answer: C


[c] $ \overset{*}{\mathop{C}}rO_4^{2-} $

$ \overset{*}{\mathop{C}}r_2O_7^{2-} $

$ x+[(-2)\times 4]=-2 $ $ 2x+(-2)\times 7=-2 $ $ x=8-2=+6 $ $ 2x=14-2=12 $ $ x=\frac{12}{2}=+6 $ In this reaction oxidation and reduction are not involved because there is no change in oxidation number.

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