Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 346

Question: The equivalent conductances of two strong electrolytes a infinite dilution in $ H_2O $ (where ions move freely througl a solution) at $ 25{}^\circ C $ are given below $ {{\Lambda }^{o}} _{CH_3COONa}=91.0Scm^{2}\text{/},Eq $ $ {{\Lambda }^{o}} _{HCl}=426.2Scm^{2}\text{/},Eq $ What additional information/ quantity one needs to calculate $ \Lambda {}^\circ $ of an aqueous solution of aceti acid-


A) $ \Lambda {}^\circ $ of $ NaCl $

B) $ \Lambda {}^\circ $ of $ CH_3 $ COOK

C) The limiting equivalent conductance of $ {H^{+}}(\lambda _{{H^{+}}}^{\circ }) $

D) $ \Lambda {}^\circ $ of chloroaceti cacid (Cl $ CH_2 $ COOH)

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Correct Answer: A


[a] From Kohlraush-s law, $ {{\Lambda }^{o}} _{CH_3COOH}={{\Lambda }^{o}} _{CH_3COONa}+{{\Lambda }^{o}} _{HCl}-{{\Lambda }^{o}} _{NaCl} $

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