Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 34

Question: Saturated solution of $ KNO_3 $ is used to make -salt-bridge- because [IIT Screening 2002]


A) Velocity of $ {K^{+}} $ is greater than that of $ NO_3^{-} $

B) Velocity of $ NO_3^{-} $ is greater than that of $ {K^{+}} $

C) Velocities of both $ {K^{+}} $ and $ NO_3^{-} $ are nearly the same

D) $ KNO_3 $ is highly soluble in water

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Correct Answer: C


Velocities of both $ {K^{+}} $ and $ NO_3^{-} $ are nearly the same in $ KNO_3 $ so it is used to make salt-bridge.

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