Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 333

Question: When a lead storage battery is discharged, then


A) $ SO_2 $ is evolved

B) lead is formed

C) lead sulphate is consumed

D) sulphuric acid is consumed

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Correct Answer: D


[d] The reactions occurring operation of battery are anode: $ Pb(s)+HS{O^{-}}4+H_2O\ to PbSO_4(s)+2{e^{-}}+H_3{O^{+}}; $ $ E^o{OP}=+0.356V $ Cathode: $ PbO_2+HSO_4^{-}+3H_3{O^{+}}+2{e^{-}}\to PbS{O_{4(S)}}+5H_2O; $ $ E^o_{RP}=+1.685V $ Net change: $ Pb(s)+2HSO_4^{-}+2H_3{O^{+}}+PbO_2(s)\to $ $ 2PbSO_4(s)+4H_2O;E^{o}=2.041V $

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