Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 332

Question: What product are formed during the electrolysis of a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride using an electrolytic cell in which electrodes are separated by a porous pot-

I. $ NaOH(aq) $
II. $ Cl_2(g) $ III. $ NaClO_3(aq) $
IV. $ H_2(g) $ V. $ NaClO(aq) $ Select the correct choice.


A) I, II and V

B) I, II and IV

C) I and II

D) I, III and V

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Correct Answer: B


[b] $ NaCl(aq)\rightarrow N{a^{+}}(aq)+Cl(aq) $ At anode

$ 2C{l^{-}}(aq)\to Cl_2(g)+2{e^{-}} $ At cathode

$ 2N{a^{+}}(aq)+2{e^{-}}\to 2Na(l) $ $ 2Na(l)+2H_2O\to 2NaOH(aq)+H_2(g) $ $ Cl_2(g) $ is formed at anode and $ NaOH $ and $ H_2 $ are formed at cathode. Since cathode and anode are separated. Hence, there is no reaction between the product formed at the cathode and anode.

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