Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 326

Question: The number of coulombs required to reduce 12.3 g of nitrobenzene to aniline [UPSEAT 2003]


A) 115800 C

B) 5790 C

C) 28950 C

D) 57900 C

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Correct Answer: D


$ C_6H_5NO_2+6{H^{+}}+6{e^{-}}\to $ $ C_6H_5NH_2+2H_2O $ 1 mole = 123 gm nitrogen requires 6 mole electron e $ =6\times 96500\ coulomb $ charge
$ \therefore $ 12.3 gm nitrobenzene will require $ =\frac{6\times 96500\times 12.3}{123} $ $ =6\times 9650\ =57900\ C. $

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