Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 303

Question: A current of strength 2.5 amp was passed through $ CuSO_4 $ solution for 6 minutes 26 seconds. The amount of copper deposited is (Atomic weight of $ Cu=63.5 $ ) (1 faraday = 96500 coulombs) [EAMCET 1989; MP PET 1994]


A) 0.3175 g

B) 3.175 g

C) 0.635 g

D) 6.35 g

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Correct Answer: A


$ Q=2.5\times 386=96500,C $

$ 2F(2\times 96500C) $ deposited $ Cu=63.5,g $

Hence 965 C will deposited; $ Cu=0.3175gm $ .

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