Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 287

Question: What is the amount of chlorine evolved when 2 amperes of current is passed for 30 minutes in an aqueous solution of $ NaCl $ [BHU 1998; AIIMS 1999]


A) 66 g

B) 1.32 g

C) 33 g

D) 99 g

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Correct Answer: B


At Andoe $ AtAnode,C{l^{-}}\to \frac{1}{2}Cl_2+{e^{-}} $ $ {E_{Cl_2}}=\frac{35.5\times 2}{2}=35.5 $ $ {W_{Cl_2}}=\frac{{E_{Cl_2}}\times I\times t}{96500} $ $ =\frac{35.5\times 2\times 30\times 60}{96500}=1.32gm $ .

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