Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 275

Question: On passing one faraday of electricity through the electrolytic cells containing $ A{g^{+}},N{i^{+2}} $ and $ C{r^{+3}} $ ions solution, the deposited $ Ag,(At.wt.=108),Ni,(At.,wt.=59) $ and $ Cr,(At.,wt.=52) $ is [AIIMS 1982]


A) $ Ag $ $ Ni $ $ Cr $ 108 gm 29.5 gm 17.3 gm

B) 108 gm 59.0 gm 52.0 gm

C) 108.0 gm 108.0 gm 108.0 gm

D) 108 gm 117.5 gm 166.0 gm

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Correct Answer: A


$ Wt\text{.},of,Ag,deposited=Eq.,wt,of,Ag=108,gm $

$ Wt\text{.},of,Ni,deposited=Eq.,wt.,of,Ni=29.5,gm $

$ Wt.,of,Cr,deposited=Eq.,wt.,of,Cr=17.3,gm $ .

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