Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 23

Question: For cell reaction, $ Zn+C{u^{2+}}\to Z{n^{2+}}+Cu, $ cell representation is cell cell [BCECE 2005]


A) Zn | Zn2+||Cu2+|Cu

B) Cu | Cu2+ ||Zn2+| Zn

C) Cu | Zn2+ || Zn | Cu2+

D) Cu2+ | Zn || Zn2+ | Cu

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Correct Answer: A


Electrode on which oxidation occurs is written on $ L.H.S. $ and the other on the $ R.H.S. $ as represented by $ Zn|Z{n^{2+}}||C{u^{2+}}|Cu $ .

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