Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 215

Question: A galvanic cell with electrode potential of $ ‘A’=+2.23\ V $ and $ ‘B’=-1.43\ V $ . The value of $ E{{{}^\circ }_{cell}} $ is [Pb.CET 2003]


A) 3.66 V

B) 0.80 V

C) - 0.80 V

D) - 3.66 V

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Correct Answer: A


$ E_{A}=2.23,V>E_{B}=1.43\ V $ So A will act as cathode in galvanic cell. Hence $ E_{cell}^{0}=E_{Cathode}-E_{Anode} $ $ =E_{A}-E_{B} $ $ =(2.23)-(-1.43) $ $ =3.66\ V $ .

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