Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 200

Question: An electrochemical cell is set up as follows $ Pt(H_2,,1,atm)/0.1,M,HCl $ || 0.1 M acetic acid /( $ H_2,,1,atm $ ) Pt E.M.F. of this cell will not be zero because [CBSE PMT 1995]


A) The $ pH $ of 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M acetic acid is not the same

B) Acids used in two compartments are different

C) E.M.F. of a cell depends on the molarities of acids used

D) The temperature is constant

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Correct Answer: A


The pH of 0.1 M $ HCl $ and 0.1 M acetic acid is not the same, because $ HCl $ is a strong acid so its pH is less and $ CH_3COOH $ is a weak acid, so its pH is more.

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