Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 181

Question: The standard electrode potential of the half cells are given below $ Z{n^{2+}}+2{e^{-}}\to Zn;E=-7.62V, $ $ F{e^{2+}}+2{e^{-}}\to Fe;E=-7.81V $ The emf of the cell $ F{e^{2+}}+Zn\to Z{n^{2+}}+Fe $ is [CPMT 2003]


A) 1.54 V

B) - 1.54 V

C) - 0.19 V

D) + 0.19 V

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Correct Answer: C


$ F{e^{2+}}+Zn\to Z{n^{2+}}+Fe $ $ EMF={E_{cathode}}-{E_{anode}} $ $ {H^{+}}(0.025,M)\to {H^{+}}({10^{-8}},M) $ $ EMF=-0.19,V $ .

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