Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 174

Question: For the redox reaction $ Zn(s)+C{u^{2+}}(0.1M)\to Z{n^{2+}}(1M)+Cu(s) $ taking place in a cell, $ E_{cell}^{o} $ is 1.10 volt. $ E_{cell} $ for the cell will be $ ( 2.303\frac{RT}{F}=0.0591 ) $ [AIEEE 2003]


A) 2.14 volt

B) 1.80 volt

C) 1.07 volt

D) 0.82 volt

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Correct Answer: C


$ E=E^{o}-\frac{0.059}{n}\log \frac{[Z{n^{++}}]}{[C{u^{++}}]} $ $ =1.10-\frac{0.059}{2}\log \frac{1}{0.1} $ $ =1.10-0.0295,\log ,10=1.07,volt $ .

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