Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 168

Question: The standard electrode potential $ (E^{o}) $ for $ OC{l^{-}}/C{l^{-}} $ and $ C{l^{-}}/\frac{1}{2}Cl_2 $ respectively are $ 0.94,V $ and $ -1.36,V $ . The $ E^{o} $ value for $ OC{l^{-}}/\frac{1}{2}Cl_2 $ will be [KCET 1996]


A) $ -0.42,V $

B) $ -,2.20,V $

C) $ 0.52,V $

D) $ 1.04,V $

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Correct Answer: A


$ OC{l^{-}}\to {C^{-}},,E^{o}=0.94V $ $ C{l^{-}}\to \frac{1}{2}Cl_2+{e^{-}}E^{o}=-1.36,V $ adding the two equations, we get $ OC{l^{-}}\to \frac{1}{2}Cl_2,,E^{o}=0.94-1.36=-0.42,V $ .

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