Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 167

Question: Electrode potential data are given below : $ F{e^{3+}}(aq)+{e^{-}}\to F{e^{-1}}(aq);,E^{o}=+0.77V $ $ A{l^{3+}}(aq)+3{e^{-}}\to Al(s);,E^{o}=-1.66V $ $ Br_2(aq)+2{e^{-}}\to 2B{r^{-}}(aq);,E^{o}=+1.08,V $ Based on the data given above, reducing power of $ F{e^{2+}},,Al $ and $ B{r^{-}} $ will increase in the order [Pb. PMT 1998]


A) $ B{r^{-}}<F{e^{2+}}<Al $

B) $ F{e^{2+}}<Al<B{r^{-}} $

C) $ Al<B{r^{-}}<F{e^{2+}} $

D) $ Al<F{e^{2+}}<B{r^{-}} $

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Correct Answer: A


Reducing power, i.e. the tendency to lose electrons increases as the reduction potential decreases.

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