Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 158

Question: Standard electrode potential of $ A{g^{+}}/Ag $ and $ C{u^{+}}/Cu $ is $ +0.80V $ and $ +0.34V $ respectively. these electrodes are joint together by salt bridge if [AMU 2002]


A) Copper electrode is work like cathode, then $ E_{cell}^{o} $ is $ +0.45V $

B) Silver electrode is work like anode then $ E_{cell}^{o} $ is $ -0.34V $

C) Copper electrode is work like anode then $ E_{cell}^{o} $ is $ +0.46V $

D) Silver electrode is work like cathode then $ E_{cell}^{o} $ is $ -0.34V $

E) Silver electrode is work like anode then $ E_{cell}^{o} $ will be $ +1.14V $

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Correct Answer: C


Cell reaction is $ C{u_{(s)}}+2A{g^{+}}\to C{u^{2+}}+2Ag $ Two half cell reaction is $ Cu\to C{u^{2+}}+2{e^{-}} $ Oxidation (anode) $ A{g^{+}}+{e^{-}}\to Ag $ Reduction (cathode) $ E_{Cell}=E_{ox}-{E_{Red}}=0.80-0.34=+0.46V $

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