Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 155

Question: Adding powdered lead and iron to a solution that is 1.0 M in both $ P{b^{2+}} $ and $ F{e^{2+}} $ ions, would result a reaction, in which [CPMT 1987]


A) More iron and $ P{b^{2+}} $ ions are formed

B) More lead and $ F{e^{2+}} $ ions are formed

C) Concentration of both $ P{b^{2+}} $ and $ F{e^{2+}} $ ions increases

D) There is no net change

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Correct Answer: C


The more electropositive metal can displace less electropositive metal from its salt solution. Iron is more electropositive than lead. Thus, iron can displace lead from its salt solution. When powdered Pb and Fe are added to a solution containing $Pb^{2+}$ and $Fe^{2+}$ ions, some $Pb^{2+}$ ions are reduced to Pb and some Fe is oxidized to $Fe^{2+}$.

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