Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 154

Question: When $ E_{A{g^{+}}/Ag}^{o}=0.8 $ volt and $ E_{Z{n^{2+}}/Zn}^{o}=-0.76, $ volt, which of the following is correct [MP PMT 1994]


A) $ A{g^{+}} $ can be reduced by $ H_2 $

B) $ Ag $ can oxidise $ H_2 $ into $ {H^{+}} $

C) $ Z{n^{2+}} $ can be reduced by $ H_2 $

D) $ Ag $ can reduce $ Z{n^{2+}} $ ion

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Correct Answer: A


Because $ H_2 $ has greater reduction potential so it reduced the $ A{g^{+}} $ .

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