Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 149

Question: $ E^{o} $ values of $ M{g^{2+}}/Mg $ is $ -2.37V $ , of $ Z{n^{2+}}/Zn $ is $ -0.76V $ and $ F{e^{2+}}/Fe $ is $ -0.44,V $ . Which of the following statements is correct [EAMCET 1989]


A) $ Zn $ will reduce $ F{e^{2+}} $

B) $ Zn $ will reduce $ M{g^{2+}} $

C) $ Mg $ oxidises $ Fe $

D) $ Zn $ oxidises $ Fe $

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Correct Answer: A


$ E_{Z{n^{++}}/Zn}^{o}<E_{F{e^{++}}/Fe}^{o} $ , so Zn will reduce $ F{e^{++}} $ . $ Zn $ cannot reduce $ M{g^{2+}} $ because $ E_{Z{n^{++}}/Zn}^{o}>E_{M{g^{++}}/Mg}^{o} $ On similar reason Mg and $ Zn $ cannot oxidize $ Fe $ .

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