Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 147

Question: The standard reduction potential for $ L{i^{+}}/Li,;Z{n^{2+}}/Zn,; $ $ {H^{+}}/H_2 $ and $ A{g^{+}}/Ag $ is $ -3.05,-0.762,0.00 $ and $ +0.80V. $ Which of the following has highest reducing capacity [MP PMT 1992]


A) $ Ag $

B) $ H_2 $

C) $ Zn $

D) $ Li $

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Correct Answer: D


$ E^{o}=-3.05,L{i^{+}}/Li $ is most negative (minimum) and hence $ Li $ has maximum tendency to lose electrons or it is the strongest reducing agent.

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