Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 146

Question: The standard electrode potential for the two electrode $ {A^{+}}/A $ and $ {B^{+}}/B $ are respectively 0.5 $ V $ and 0.75 $ V $ . The $ emf $ of the given cell $ A|{A^{+}}(a=1)||{B^{+}}(a=1)|B $ will be


A) 1.25 $ V $

B) - 1.25 $ V $

C) - 0.25 $ V $

D) 0.25 $ V $

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Correct Answer: D


$ \overset{Anode}{\mathop{A|{A^{+}}(a=1)||}},\overset{Cathode}{\mathop{{B^{+}}(a=1)|B}}, $ $ EMF=E_{cathode}-E_{anode} $ $ =0.75-(0.5) $ ; $ EMF=0.25,V $ .

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