Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 138

Question: When a rod of metal $ A $ is dipped in an aqueous solution of metal $ B $ (concentration of $ {B^{2+}} $ ion being 1M) at $ 25^{o}C $ , the standard electrode potentials are $ {A^{2+}}/A $ =-0.76 volts, $ {B^{2+}} $ /B = + 0.34 volts [KCET 1992]


A) $ A $ will gradually dissolve

B) $ B $ will deposit on $ A $

C) No reaction will occur

D) Water will decompose into $ H_2 $ and $ O_2 $

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Correct Answer: B


Since $ E_{{A^{2+}}/A}^{o}<E_{{B^{2+}}/B}^{o} $ . A has greater tendency to be oxidized. $ A+{B^{2+}}\to {A^{2+}}+B $ .

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