Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 137

Question: Which one of the following reaction is not possible [MP PMT 1991]


A) $ Fe+H_2SO_4,\to FeSO_4+H_2 $

B) $ Cu+2AgNO_3,\to ,Cu,{{(NO_3)}_2}+2Ag $

C) $ 2KBr+I_2,\to 2KI+Br_2 $

D) $ CuO+H_2,\to Cu+H_2O $

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Correct Answer: C


According to the reactivity series Iodine is less reactive than Potassium. Therefore Iodine cannot displace Potassium from KBr.So $2KBr + I_2 → 2KI + Br_2$ will not occur.

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